Planning Department
Master Case No. 24-092; Miscellaneous Project No. 24-011: Review of the 2024 General Plan Annual Progress Report
Based on the information in the staff report, staff recommends that the City Council direct staff to send the 2024 General Plan Annual Progress Report to the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR) and the State Department of Housing Community Development (HCD).
• Promote economic development by establishing a quick, consistent development process.
• Increase citizen involvement by providing the community with information on development projects.
• Provide a diverse range of housing types and levels of affordability while addressing homelessness in the community by promoting diverse range of housing projects and levels of affordability.
• Concentrate on Inter-governmental relations by advocating Fontana's position in regional, state, and federal organizations.
The General Plan is mandated by California Government Code Section 65300, which requires each city and county to adopt a comprehensive plan for the physical development of the jurisdiction. It addresses land use, transportation routes, population growth, open space, air and water quality, noise, safety issues and other related physical, social, and economic development factors. Through the identification of goals, objectives, and policies, a General Plan creates a strategy framework for implementation. In addition to service as a basis for local decision-making the General Plan establishes a clear set of development rules for citizens, developer, decisions-makers, neighboring cities, and counties and provide the community with an opportunity to participate in the planning decision-making process.
Government Code Section 65400 mandates that all cities and counties submit to their legislative bodies an annual report on the status of their General Plan and progress in its implementation. A copy of this progress report must be sent to the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR) and the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) by April 1st of each year.
Annual Progress Reports (APRs) provide local legislative bodies with information regarding the status and implementation of the General Plan for their city or county. The annual progress report also allows the City of Fontana to determine the effectiveness of the Housing Element and identify necessary “course adjustments” to Housing Department goals, programs, policies, and implementation measures.
The City’s legislative bodies have used the 2015-2035 General Plan as the primary source of long-range planning and policy direction. All future development activities will be consistent with the General Plan, which will continue to guide growth and preserve the quality of life within the community. The General Plan Annual Progress Report (Attachment No. 1) details the key implementation actions that the city accomplished or made progress on in 2024.
Additionally, the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) requires the reporting of Housing Element implementation on specific state reporting forms. The method of reporting of Housing Element implementation is established by HCD with the purpose of tracking overall housing production in a community, as well as a jurisdiction’s progress toward meeting its regional housing needs assessment (RHNA) allocation. A summary of the City’s housing efforts in 2024 is included in Attachment No. 2 of this report.
Attachment No. 1 - General Plan Annual Progress Report
Attachment No. 2 - Housing Element Annual Progress Report Summary
Direct staff to send the 2024 General Plan Annual Progress Report to the California Governor’s Office of Planning and Research and the State Department of Housing and Community Development