Public Works
Award Bid for Synthetic Turf Sports Field Maintenance Services
1. Award Bid (SP-25-46-PW) and authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with FieldTurf USA, Inc. in the amount of $124,800.00 annually for two (2) years with three (3) 1-year renewals for Synthetic Turf Sports Field Maintenance Services.
2. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute any future amendments to the contract.
• Invest in the City’s infrastructure (streets, sewers, parks, etc.) by maintaining and improving the city's existing infrastructure.
The Public Works Department, Park and Landscape Division, is responsible for maintaining 12 synthetic turf sports fields located in four different parks: Central City Park, Jack Bulik Park, Ralph M. Lewis Sports Complex, and South Fontana Park in the City. The scope of work for this contract includes four visits to each field per year. The services provided are sweeping and deep grooming to remove foreign materials, alleviate compaction, and rejuvenate the infill material. Minor repairs are included, and an inspection report is provided after each visit.
The bid for the above-named project was opened electronically at 2:00 P.M. on October 24, 2024. Two hundred thirty-seven (237) vendors were notified of the bid. Bid packets were downloaded/received by seventeen (17) vendors and we received three (3) responses. Eighteen (18) Fontana vendors were notified of the bid. No Fontana vendor responses were received.
After evaluating the bid response, the Synthetic Turf Sports Field Maintenance Evaluation Committee is recommending FieldTurf Inc., USA for award of contract as they provide the best value for the City. The proposals pricing ranged from $124,800 to $246,885.
The total fiscal impact for this contract in the current FY24/25 is $62,400.00 and is available in the amounts of $42,400.00 in ORG# 10137202.8130 and $20,000.00 in ORG# 41237202.8130. The total annual fiscal impact in FY25/26 is $124,800.00 and appropriate funding has been included in the Public Works Department’s FY25/26 budget submittal.
Approve Staff Recommendation