Award a Construction Contract for the First Responders Memorial Monument Project (Bid No. DE-25-76-SB)
1. Award bid and authorize the City Manager to execute a Construction Contract with Jergensen Construction, Inc. for the construction of the First Responders Memorial Monument Project in the amount of $1,209,000.00, and authorize a contingency in the amount of $120,900.00 (Bid No. DE-25-76-SB).
2. Authorize the City Manager to execute any and all utility agreements, utility easements and any related items on behalf of the City of Fontana for the First Responders Memorial Monument Project (Bid No. DE-25-76-SB).
• To invest in the City’s infrastructure (streets, sewers, parks, etc.) by maintaining and improving the city's existing infrastructure.
• To invest in the City’s infrastructure (streets, sewers, parks, etc.) by providing for the development of new infrastructure.
• To invest in the City’s infrastructure (streets, sewers, parks, etc.) by creating and promoting community through people, parks, and programs.
The First Responders Memorial Monument Project will be located along Sierra Avenue in front of the existing Development Services Building within the Civic Center Campus. This monument will feature a beam from the World Trade Center debris and incorporate different materials used in the 9/11 Memorial in New York, with the Fontana monument positioned to face New York. While the monument will honor all affected by the 9/11 tragedy, the Fontana monument is specifically designed to emphasize all First Responders within San Bernardino County and their daily commitment and sacrifice for the community.
During design phase of the First Responders Memorial Monument project, the City received construction funding from the Assemblymember Gomez Reyes as part of the City’s downtown revitalization efforts.
On February 6, 2025 at 2:00pm, the bids for this contract were opened. A total of seven (7) bids were received ranging from $1,209,000.00 to $1,626,976.00. Jergensen Construction, Inc. is the lowest bidder in the amount of $1,209,000.00. The Architect’s Estimate was $1,400,000.00. After reviewing the proposed bid document, Purchasing and Engineering staff have determined Jergensen Construction, Inc. to be the lowest responsive and responsible bidder.
The fiscal impact associated with the approval of this item is $1,329,900.00 for the full term of the construction contract and is included in the FY 2024-2025 budget in 37600009-301-A-8330.
Approve staff recommendation.