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File #: 25-0120    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Public Hearing Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 3/11/2025 In control: Planning Commission
On agenda: 3/18/2025 Final action:
Title: Master Case No. 22-0084R1: Design Review No. 22-0043R1- A request to revise the color scheme and materials and modify the elevations for a previously approved 255-unit detached condominium residential development (147 detached Cluster Home units and 108 detached Stub Drive units) within a 37.3-acre project site, pursuant to Sections 15162 and 15164 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
Attachments: 1. Attachment No. 1 - Vicinity Map, 2. Attachment No. 2 - Project Plans, 3. Attachment No. 3 - PC Resolution, Findings, and Conditions of Approval, 4. Attachment No. 4 - Notice of Determination, 5. Attachment No. 5 - Public Hearing Notice
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Planning Department




Master Case No. 22-0084R1: Design Review No. 22-0043R1- A request to revise the color scheme and materials and modify the elevations for a previously approved 255-unit detached condominium residential development (147 detached Cluster Home units and 108 detached Stub Drive units) within a 37.3-acre project site, pursuant to Sections 15162 and 15164 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).




Based on the information in the staff report and subject to the attached Findings and Conditions of Approval, staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. PC 2025 -____; and,


1. Find that the project has been reviewed under a previously certified Final Environmental Impact Report No. 81-3 (State Clearinghouse [SCH] No. 1981052210) and previously adopted Addendum, pursuant to Sections 15162 and 15164 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines and that no further analysis is required, and direct staff to file the Notice of Determination; and


2. Approve Design Review (DRP) No. 22-0043R1.



KB Home

Damon Polk

36310 Inland Valley Drive, Suite 300

Wildomar, CA  92595



The project site is located south of Village Drive and east of Live Oak Avenue (APN: 0237-411-35).



Design Review No. 22-0043R1- A request to revise the color scheme, materials and elevations for a previously approved 255-unit detached condominium project, on approximately 37.3 acres.



Salvador Quintanilla, Senior Planner



1.                     On June 20, 2023, the Planning Commission considered Design Review No. 23-0043 and recommended that the City Council approve the application with the proposed architectural elements and styles for the 255-unit detached condominium residential project.

2.                     On July 25, 2023, the City Council approved Design Review 23-0043 along with associated entitlements for the 255-unit condominium residential project.


Land Use Table:



General Plan


Existing Land Use


Medium Density Residential (R-M)

Southridge Village Specific Plan, Planning Areas 56 and 66A, Entry Estates Duplex



Residential Planned Community (R-PC)

Southridge Village Specific Plan, Planning Area 72

Live Oak Road and Village Drive followed by single-family residences


Residential Planned Community (R-PC)

Southridge Village Specific Plan, Townhomes (12 units/acre), Planning Area 65

Single Family Residences


Open Space (OS)

Southridge Village Specific Plan, Open Space (OS), Quarry (Q), Planning Area 66B and 66C

Vacant and undeveloped


Recreational Facilities (P-R) and General Commercial (C-G)

Southridge Village Specific Plan, Community Park (CP), Sub-Regional Center (SRC)

Southridge Park and Commercial Shopping Center





A.                     Project Area:                                                                                    37.3 adjusted gross acres



B.                     Building Analysis:

                     Allowable Density:                                          8 dwelling units/acre (Max)

                     Proposed Density:                                          7.9 dwelling units/acre


C.                      Building Height:

                     Maximum Allowed:                                          35 feet

                     Proposed:                                                               26’ feet maximum


D.                     Building/Unit Analysis:


108 Detached Stub Drive Units

Previously Approved

Plan                                          Beds.                                          Baths                                            Square Footage                     

1                                           3                                          2.5                                              1,710 square feet                     

2                                          3 + loft                     2.5                                                1,791 square feet

                                          (Optional 4th bedroom)                        

3                                          3 + loft                     2.5                                             1,927 square feet                     

                                          (Optional 4th bedroom)



                     Plan                                          Beds                                          Baths                                          Square Footage

1                                          3                                          2                                          1,677

2                                          3+loft                                          2                                          1,877

3                                          4                                          2                                          2,000



147 Detached Cluster Homes units

Previously Approved

Plan                                          Beds.                                          Baths                                          Square Feet                     

1                                           3                                            2.5                                1,936 square feet                                          

2/2X                                          3 + loft                       2.5                                          1,990 square feet

                                          (Optional 4th bedroom)

3                                          3 + loft                       2.5                                          2,307 square feet

                                          (Optional 4th bedroom)



Plan                                          Beds                                          Baths                                          Square Footage

1                                          3+loft                                          2                                          1,791

2                                          3+loft                                          2                                          2,056

3                                          5+tech/loft                     3                                          2,320



E.                     Parking Analysis:

Required:                     2 spaces x 255 units = 510 covered spaces (garage spaces)

                                          0.5 spaces x 255 units = 127.5 uncovered spaces (open spaces)

                                          2 covered spaces (garage space) plus one-half uncovered spaces

                                          (637 total)


Provided:                     684 Spaces

                                          (Garage: 510 spaces, Open: 184 spaces)




The applicant, KB Home, is seeking approval from the Planning Commission to revise the previously approved color schemes, material, and building sizes for the homes approved as part of Design Review (Design Review No. 22-0043).


The original project applicant, NH Southridge LLC, included neutral warm tones (i.e. brown, tan, beige, etc.) in their approved plans. KB Home, the new developer, has reassessed the building sizes and color palette and proposes a more vivid color scheme for the project; the proposed new palette includes lighter shades such as white, beige, gray, deep blue, yellow, and light brown, which harmonize with the overall Spanish, Craftsman, and Italianate architectural style.


The associated site improvements (site access, circulation, parking, fencing, amenities, and grading) that were previously approved are not being modified with this amendment.


Design Review (DRP) No. 22-0043R1:

The applicant is seeking a request from the Planning Commission to revise the previously approved project. The proposed project includes a 255-unit condominium residential development, which includes 108 detached Stub Drive units and 147 detached Cluster Homes units. The applicant has proposed revisions to the previously approved architectural plans, to include minor changes to the square footage (maximum of 145 square feet) of the units on all plan types and changes to the exterior design, color schemes, and materials of the units.


The applicant is proposing three architectural styles for the Stub Drive and Cluster buildings: Spanish, Craftsman, and Italianate. The architectural styles have not changed from the original architectural styles; however, the look of each elevation has been modified from the 2023 approval.  Each type will reflect vibrant colors (i.e. white, gray, blue, light brown, beige, etc.) There are nine (9) color schemes provided for the overall project.


The detached Stub Drive units are configured in a “U” shape area of eight (8) buildings with a common driveway that will be used to access the garages for the units in the building. The “front” entrance for each unit is on the garage side and on the side of the buildings. The proposed stub drive condominiums range in size from 1,677 square feet to 2,000 square feet, with two plans consisting of three (3) bedrooms, one with a loft, and one plan consisting of four (4) bedrooms.


The proposed Detached Cluster Units are arranged along private drives and/or in clusters of eight (8) homes. Two floor plans will consist of three (3) bedrooms, a loft, and an optional 4th bedroom, and one floor plan with five (5) bedrooms, and a tech/loft. The plans range in size from 1,791 square feet to 2,320 square feet.


No unit will exceed the maximum height of 35 feet. The maximum lot coverage, height, unit sized, and all applicable development standards will comply with those specified in the Zoning and Development Code and the Southridge Village Specific Plan.


Architectural relief utilized for the proposed homes consists of stone veneer, decorative window treatments, varied roof lines, architectural “pop-outs”, banding porches, and other features appropriate to each theme. The use of a variety of colors and decorative shutters of a contrasting color will further add architectural diversity to each plan. All units are designed with concrete tile roofing material coordinated to match the color scheme of each elevation. All plans are proposed as two-story homes. Additionally, garage doors will incorporate windows and varied door colors and patterns appropriate for each plan.



Pursuant to Sections 15162 and 15164 of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, the Southridge Village Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report No. 81-3 (State Clearinghouse [SCH] No. 1981052210) was certified by City Council on December 15, 1981 and subsequently an Addendum for the original project that is the subject of this modification was approved on July 25, 2023. The aforementioned certified EIR and adopted Addendum anticipated the development of a residential community and open space, and also adequately identified potential impacts associated with this project. No substantial changes have been made and no new additional impacts beyond what was anticipated in the EIR and Addendum have been identified; therefore, no further environmental review is required for the proposed project.  Addendum to the Southridge Village Specific Plan EIR -<>



Approve staff’s recommendation.



Attachment No. 1 - Vicinity Map

Attachment No. 2 - Project Plan Set

Attachment No. 3 - Planning Commission Resolution, Findings, and Conditions of Approval

Attachment No. 4 - Notice of Determination

Attachment No. 5 - Public Hearing Notice